Auction Details

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Asian Cars

Lexus LS460

Current Bid


Auction Start

07/04/2021 01:00 PM

Auction End

08/04/2021 09:15 PM

Shassi behind and colour from the back

Start on  3800KD

  • Minimum Increment :
  • 25 KD

  • Model
  • Manufacture
  • Year
  • External Color
  • Gear
  • Fuel
  • Type of Transaction
  • Lexus
  • LS460
  • 2013
  • Silver
  • Automatic
  • Gasoil
  • Transfer

When you participate in this auction, you acknowledge the terms and conditions

I, the bidder below, acknowledge that we have examined the vehicles subject of the price offer, which is a negative inspection of ignorance, and that the price submitted by me is the price we deem appropriate to buy the vehicle in its current condition without the company bearing any responsibility in the event that

• There is a security deposit upon submitting a quotation of an amount of 150 Kuwaiti dinars.

• In the event that the vehicle value is not paid within two days, the offer is considered (rejected).

The insurance value is not refundable in the event that the vehicle value is not paid within a maximum of two working days (48 hours).

• The vehicle value is paid through the application

• The car is withdrawn after transferring the book.

• The supplier's terms and conditions apply, and the last approval to sell is subject to the supplier’s approval.

• Inspecting vehicles during the exhibition period. To make an appointment to inspect vehicles, please call 99972123

Any defect or damage was not apparent, and I have no right to review the company for any reason whatsoever, and no complaint will be considered.

For any inquiries, please call 50759769

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